
Lump Sum Compensation

As a member, you can submit a request for a lump sum compensation, if – after a waiting period of two years – you lose your economic livelihood due to political reasons. The lump sum compensation amounts to a maximum of CHF 10’000.–

General requirements for a lump sum compensation

The cooperative can support the member with a lump sum compensation within its financial possibilities.

  • The payment of a lump-sum compensation presupposes a loss of economic livelihood due to war, unrest or general political coercive measures.
  • The economic loss of livelihood must be substantial, not largely self-inflicted, and not temporary, the legal process must be exhausted if possible.
  • The lump-sum compensation may not exceed the amount of the economic loss.
  • The events leading to the loss of economic livelihood must have occurred after the waiting period of 2 years has expired.

The decision as to whether compensation will be paid lies with the Executive Board.

The current situation regarding lump-sum compensation can be found under News.