On the road with the Banque Cantonale de Genève (BCGE)
Worldwide, 18/07/2024
Interview with Michael Zumstein, team head Swiss abroad and responsible for proposing banking solutions Please tell us about yourself. My name is Michael Zumstein and I head the BCGE teams in Zurich and Base that take care of our Swiss expats. I have been Vice Presindet at BCGE for 5 years and have 15 years […] ...
Returning to Switzerland for education – things to bear in mind
Switzerland, 11/06/2024
Switzerland is known for its good education system. This also attracts young Swiss abroad to Switzerland time and again to complete part or all of their education in their home country and then perhaps to take the plunge and move to Switzerland completely. What kind of education? A university degree programme is not the only […] ...
Crossing borders: Preparation is key when relocating
Worldwide, 07/05/2024
Swiss nationals living abroad (Swiss Abroad) are often referred to as the “Fifth Switzerland”, representing another region on top of the four different language regions. Getting the formalities sorted out right is essential for your emigration experience to be a success. This doesn’t just mean legal and financial issues. The key factor is making sure […] ...
On the road with Zürcher Kantonalbank (ZKB)
Worldwide, 22/02/2024
Throughout 2023, for our series, we will be interviewing a variety of companies, members, employees and exciting people from our network. The Swiss Abroad have different needs; emigrating and returning, globetrotting and working abroad touch almost all areas of life. That’s why we rely on expertise and feedback from all kinds of areas. Over the […] ...
When the dream of a guest house in Spain becomes a reality
Worldwide, 18/01/2024
Where the sun meets mild temperatures all year round: Meet Priska and Michi Bauer, who broke away from everyday routine and pursued their dream of purchasing a guest house in Spain. Read more about their journey with Zürcher Kantonalbank (ZKB) in the interview. You emigrated from Switzerland a year ago. Why Spain? We didn’t consciously […] ...
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