

Dear members,

It is the first time since the founding of Soliswiss in 1958 that we are confronted with a global crisis that is likely to affect many, if not all, of our members directly or indirectly. Thus, we would like to recall the conditions for applying for a lump-sum compensation.

Lump-sum compensations are possible thanks to solidarity among Soliswiss members. It is financed by the membership fees of this cooperative. Since its foundation in 1958, a total amount of over CHF 9.5 million has been granted as lump-sum compensations to members in need. Based on our Statutes and other “Reglements” (set of rules), a consistent, long-standing practice regarding the granting of lump-sum compensations has been developed.

In accordance with said Statutes and Reglements, the Soliswiss Cooperative can, within the scope of its financial possibilities, support a member with a lump-sum compensation, if the following conditions are met:

  • The payment of a lump-sum compensation presupposes the loss of the member’s economic livelihood as a consequence of war, unrest or general political coercion.
  • The loss of economic livelihood must be substantial, not significantly self-inflicted, and not temporary; all legal action must be exhausted where possible. The lump sum compensation cannot exceed the amount of economic loss.
  • The events, which have led to the loss of economic livelihood to a significant degree, must have occurred after the expiry of the waiting period of 2 years.

The decision as to whether a compensation is awarded, lies with the Board of Directors.

Lump-sum compensations are only granted in case of loss of economic livelihood due to political events. In principle, it cannot be invoked in the event of loss of economic livelihood for other reasons, such as natural disasters, pandemics or epidemics, stock market crashes or hyperinflation. Legal, governmental measures, such as those currently being taken worldwide, including by constitutional states, to contain the pandemic, are not considered to be political coercive measures.

Based on our current practice, applications for lump-sum compensations in connection with the corona pandemic will only be successful if the pandemic and counter-pandemic measures lead to uncompensated expropriation, unrest or war at a local level, for example, and if these are directly responsible for the loss of economic livelihood.

In the event of a severe global crisis, even institutions of solidarity may come under pressure. A cooperative based on solidarity between those members who are better off and those in need cannot absorb such a global crisis. Hence, if an extraordinarily large number of applications eligible for approval were submitted, so that the financial resources of the cooperative would be overstretched, the Board of Directors reserves the right to adapt the individual amounts of lump-sum compensation accordingly.

Please do not hesitate to contact us with your questions. The Soliswiss team is here to provide advice and support. Rest assured that the Soliswiss will examine each application individually to the best of its knowledge and belief.

We send you our best regards – stay healthy,

Bernardo Brunschwiler             Nicole Töpperwien
President of the Board              Management
