The news brings us almost daily reports of events such as these: kidnapping of tourists in Latin America, hostage taking or terrorist attacks in Europe’s big cities. Despite it all, you like travelling or must go abroad on business and want to be protected against acute crisis situations while you are away. In that case Plan b is the ideal solution for you. Because Plan b protects you in a crisis by covering such emergency situations as kidnapping, blackmail, political threats or acts of terrorism. If any of these scenarios does occur, a special team takes care of the situation, coordinating and making contacts with third parties and intervening on site. An emergency help centre is open round the clock and can be reached from anywhere in the world. Plan b covers all expenses up to CHF 150,000 including lawyers’ fees and court costs, financing of evacuation and an independent interpreter, costs of medical care or security personnel. Through cooperation with our partner Tangiers International all Soliswiss members are automatically protected by Plan b. Wherever you happen to reside and whatever your age, Plan b is available to each member of our cooperative. Why not join today? You too will then automatically soon benefit from this unique service. www.soliswiss.ch