(Deutsch) Multitalent als Marketing-, Kommunikations- und IT-Fachfrau/Fachmann 80-100%
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Looking back on the Soliswiss General Assembly in Bern and the Congress of the Swiss Abroad in St. Gallen 2023
In brilliant weather, we were able to hold our Soliswiss General Assembly 2023 on Thursday, 15th August 2023. We chose the Südland Cooperative on Effingerstrasse in Bern as the venue. The Südland Forum is centrally located between the Soliswiss office and Bern railway station. We have not regretted this choice, Südland offers a friendly atmosphere […] read more
New membership rates 2023
The new rates were confirmed at the August 16, 2022 general meeting. Those who now wish to become lifetime members at the current rate have until the end of the year to do so. Beginning in 2023, membership dues will be as follows: Membership type Tariff previous Tariff new Single membership yearly CHF60 CHF90 Couple […] read more
Review Soliswiss General Assembly
and Congress of the Swiss Abroad 2022
Every year, our Soliswiss General Assembly and, after a two-year break, the Congress of the Swiss Abroad organized by Swisscommunity (ASO) took place in mid-August; in other words, an eventful, exciting week for our office. We are happy to share our brief review with you. If you have any questions or would like more detailed […] read more
Jahresbericht 2021
Einführung Auch das Jahr 2021 – wie schon das Jahr 2020 – war von der Corona Pandemie geprägt. Diese hat die Anliegen unserer Mitglieder und auch unsere Arbeitsweise beeinflusst. Fragen zu Reisebeschränkungen und zu Impfmöglichkeiten waren omnipräsent, gleichzeitig konnten wir verschiedenste Auslandschweizerinnen und Auslandschweizer bei Ihrer Auswanderung, bei der Planung von befristeten read more
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