
Press review


Der Bund – 30.01.2025 Auf und davon: Was macht den SRF-Auswanderer-Evergreen aus? NZZ – 05.08.2024 Die Schweizerkolonie in Thailand wächst: Doch die Hürden für Auswanderer steigen srf1 – 18.07.2024 Solo-Reisen – Damit die Reise alleine zum Erfolg wird srf1 – 03.01.2024 Morgengast Dr. Nicole Töpperwien srf1 Treffpunkt – 03.01.2024 Die Rückkehrer – Wenn der  read more

Webinar: Krankenversicherung für Schweizerinnen und Schweizer im Ausland


Am 17. Oktober 2023 führen die Konsularische Direktion des EDA, die Auslandschweizer-Organisation (ASO) und die Soliswiss Genossenschaft gemeinsam ein Webinar zum Thema Krankenversicherung für Schweizerinnen und Schweizer im Ausland durch. Das Webinar im Rahmen des allgemeinen Projektes der Konsularischen Direktion «Ageing Abroad» richtet sich an Schweizerinnen und Schweizer, die entweder plan  read more

Your Key Advantage with us and with KPT Health Insurance
Would you like a piece of Swissness?


As a Soliswiss member, you will benefit from a 10% discount on the supplementary insurances Hospital, Nursing-Pulse, Nursing-Plus and Nursing-Comfort with KPT Krankenkasse; your family members living in the same household, of course, also benefit. If you would like to calculate your premium online, you can do so with just a few clicks. If you […]  read more

Compare your health insurance policy in just a few clicks


Would you like to get a no-obligation comparison between your current health insurance policy and our member solution ‘Mondo Protect VIP’? Register with just a few clicks and we’ll send you a free and no-obligation performance comparison with our Mondo Protect VIP package, which was created especially for Swiss citizens abroad. The comparison offer is […]  read more

Flexible, international health insurance for Soliswiss members


We have good news for you. As a cooperative, we continuously aim at providing our members with access to good insurance solutions. We were able to conclude a new cooperation in the field of health insurance in order to facilitate access to a flexible international health insurance solution, exclusively for Soliswiss members. Mondo Protect VIP […]  read more

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