
Press review


srf1 – 03.01.2024 Morgengast Dr. Nicole Töpperwien srf1 Treffpunkt – 03.01.2024 Die Rückkehrer – Wenn der Traum vom Auswandern platzt nzz – 18.12.2023 Auswandern nach der Pensionierung: Diese Hürden und Risiken gilt es zu beachten swissinfo.ch – 22.11.2023 Serviceartikel: Auswandern mit Kindern – was gilt es zu beachten? SRF1 – Treffpunkt – 15.11.2023 Radiose  read more

Herzlich willkommen im Team


Ab sofort verstärkt uns Dr. Michelle Hufschmid. Michelle ist soeben in die Schweiz rückgewandert. Es freut uns sehr, verstärkt sie unser Team für mindestens sechs Monate. Sie treffen Michelle bei Soliswiss in der Kommunikation und bald auch in der Beratung an, wo sie die Genossenschafterinnen und Genossenschafter mit ihrem Wissensschatz unterstützt. Wir freuen uns, Michelle […]  read more

Cancellation of account relationships


We have just been able to introduce you to new partnerships with Swiss banks. At Soliswiss, we have noticed that in recent months various other Swiss banks are closing longstanding account relationships of Swiss nationals abroad. The people concerned are mostly of retirement age, many even over 75, and their AHV payments are processed through […]  read more

Your Key Advantage with us and with KPT Health Insurance
Would you like a piece of Swissness?


As a Soliswiss member, you will benefit from a 10% discount on the supplementary insurances Hospital, Nursing-Plus and Nursing-Comfort with KPT Krankenkasse; your family members living in the same household, of course, also benefit. If you would like to calculate your premium online, you can do so with just a few clicks. If you have […]  read more

New membership rates 2023


The new rates were confirmed at the August 16, 2022 general meeting. Those who now wish to become lifetime members at the current rate have until the end of the year to do so. Beginning in 2023, membership dues will be as follows: Membership type Tariff previous  Tariff new Single membership yearly CHF60  CHF90 Couple […]  read more

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