Dying abroad
Worldwide, 29/08/2022
Every death is a challenge for the relatives, but if the death occurs abroad, there are additional challenges. Many questions arise: How can I make provisions in advance, what do my relatives have to consider, who will help in the event of death abroad? By making prudent provisions for your own death, you can relieve […] ...
Tariff change 2023
Switzerland, 28/06/2022
At the upcoming AGM we will propose a fee increase. In 2010, the membership fees were increased for the last time. In 2016, we unified the tariff structure, which resulted in a decrease for many members. Since then, fees have remained unchanged at CHF60 per year for individual membership. Now an increase of membership fees […] ...
Emigration: Five misconceptions about pensions and taxes
Switzerland, 21/09/2021
1. If I have paid the minimum AHV contribution, then I have no AHV gap. However, if there is an AHV gap, I can make additional payments for up to five years. Unfortunately, this is not quite true. To avoid an AHV gap, the decisive factor is not only how much you have paid in […] ...
International health insurance – what to look out for?
Worldwide, 20/07/2021
If you emigrate, you are generally no longer liable to compulsory insurance in Switzerland. In that case, international health insurance can be a good solution. Read here when international insurance makes sense and what you need to bear in mind. Who needs international health insurance? If you have an accident or become seriously ill […] ...
Corona-Impfung für Auslandschweizerinnen und Auslandschweizer – manche dürfen
Switzerland, 04/05/2021
Impfen für Auslandschweizerinnen und -schweizer – wer darf laut BAG? Das BAG informiert auf seiner Webseite folgendermassen: «Schweizer Staatsangehörige im Ausland, die in der Schweiz eine obligatorische Krankenversicherung (Grundversicherung) abgeschlossen haben, können sich grundsätzlich gemäss Impfempfehlungen in der Schweiz impfen lassen. Die Umsetzung der Impfung ist kantonal geregelt. Informationen ob und wie Sie sich zur […] ...