
Would you like to compare your current health insurance policy with “Mondo Protect VIP” member solution? Register for the comparison and we will send you a no-obligation, free-of-charge comparison of the benefits of our Mondo Protect VIP, which was created especially for Swiss citizens living abroad. The comparison campaign runs from now until August 2022. All we need is your following information:

  • Family details (first name, surname, co-insured children)
  • Date of birth
  • Country of domicile
  • Nationality
  • with USA yes/no
  • current policy enclosed: yes/no

You can also simply send us your current insurance policy. Saswiss, Soliswiss’ insurance partner, will provide you with a straightforward comparison offer. Your details will be treated confidentially and we will not pass them on to third parties. You will not receive any unsolicited advertising or phone calls.


Send your details by e-mail