Dear members, friends and interested parties
Shortly before the end of the year, we pause and sum up what has particularly stuck with us from our Soliswiss year. Unforgotten for all of us, the memory of our colleague Beat, who passed away in February. What also remains is the never-ending and constantly changing situation around Covid-19. In February, we were able to expand our team and Isabelle joined us. We feel like she has been with us forever, she brought a lot of expertise in ‘Social Security’ and immediately settled in well.
In May we were able to participate virtually in the ASO Germany conference. Starting in July, we began charging for our consulting services for non-members, after all, we want to make membership worthwhile for members and keep the consulting free for you/them. Thanks to our ‘Amelia’, as we call our booking tool internally, consulting appointments can be booked conveniently online since mid-year; this is used actively. We can thus prepare for consultations in the best possible way.
In August, we were able to hold our General Assembly in a very small setting on site in Bern and make the associated amendment to the statutes. We are looking forward to more convivial times again and to being able to enjoy the aperitif to the full. In addition, the AGM took place in Patrick’s third working week – now our team is complete again and Patrick started quasi at the peak of the Soliswiss year. In October we were able to launch health insurance product exclusively for Soliswiss members, which I’m sure is an exciting option for some.
Our November webinar on international health insurance was fully booked twice, which we are extremely pleased about. Now we are already putting together topics and content for more webinars in 2022. Thank you for all your input on this. Also in November, we participated with a virtual booth at the Forum cinfo, the information and networking platform for job providers and job seekers in international cooperation. For us as a small cooperative, this was a big stage and a valuable experience. Here we were able to contribute our expertise in advising Swiss nationals working for international organizations.
What remains for us is a lot of gratitude, motivation to always learn something new, joy in our job, your stories from afar, every now and then a greeting or picture from a member – which always makes us revel – as well as much more. What also remains is the undaunted enthusiasm for our work and a great team – and a heartfelt thank you to all of you who enrich the cooperative.
What will remain of your year 2021?
With best wishes for the new year,
Nicole, Matt, Isabelle, Patrick, Lara, Eveline
Photo by Markus Winkler on Unsplash