

Vamoz is a Swiss company that offers a simple and reliable solution to enable legally compliant remote work abroad (aka. workation). So whether you want to work from the beach in Mexico or visit relatives in Italy, Vamoz helps to make your workation compliant and secure. Especially since this new form of flexible working entails various legal, tax and business risks both for employees and employers. For example, it is important to clarify visa regulations, social security coverage, the tax situation, as well as to comply with all necessary labour law regulations while working from abroad.

In order to make this new form of work available to our members of Soliswiss, we have decided to enter into a pilot partnership together with Vamoz, in which we will evaluate the need and demand for “remote work from abroad” among our members. We are already very excited to see how this new offer by Soliswiss will be used and look forward to your feedback.

If you are interested in working temporarily from abroad, please contact us. Registration takes place via our Soliswiss team. After registering, you will be able to make workstation requests in about 5-10 min by filling out a short questionnaire.

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Foto von Tim Mossholder auf Unsplash
