
Review Soliswiss General Assembly
and Congress of the Swiss Abroad 2022


Every year, our Soliswiss General Assembly and, after a two-year break, the Congress of the Swiss Abroad organized by Swisscommunity (ASO) took place in mid-August; in other words, an eventful, exciting week for our office. We are happy to share our brief review with you. If you have any questions or would like more detailed […]  read more

Soliswiss-Webinar vom 23. November 2021 – fully booked


“Gut geschützt unterwegs – Krankenversicherung für Auswanderer oder Reisende” Sie sind bereits ausgewandert oder schmieden Pläne und wissen nicht, wie Sie sich krankenversichern sollen? Dürfen oder müssen Sie sich vielleicht sogar weiterhin in der Schweiz versichern? Wann macht eine Internationale Krankenversicherung Sinn?  Wie sind Sie auf Reisen, ob als Globetrotter/in od  read more

Coaching Sessions online


Support in individual coaching sessions online, or face to face in Switzerland or Abroad – Support via E-mail, Telephone, WhatsApp, or Skype. Starting immediately, we’re offering you access to intercultural and psychological consultation services. Our advisors also have many years of experience abroad, and in interacting with people from different cultures and with different values. […]  read more