
Pandemic consequences and lump sum compensation


Dear members, It is the first time since the founding of Soliswiss in 1958 that we are confronted with a global crisis that is likely to affect many, if not all, of our members directly or indirectly. Thus, we would like to recall the conditions for applying for a lump-sum compensation. Lump-sum compensations are possible […]  read more

Recommendations/Information for Swiss citizens abroad


The situation regarding the corona crisis is constantly changing. We recommend that all Swiss citizens living or traveling abroad install the FDFA’s Travel Admin App. We also recommend that you obtain information exclusively through official channels (Consulate/FDFA, FOPH, WHO). For on overview of useful links, see “Downloads and Important Links”. Since every stay abroad is [&hel  read more

And all of a sudden, our reality is different


These past few days and hours, many members and also some non-members have contacted us, by email and by phone. Many experiences, worries and accounts of hardships are reaching us: There are the globetrotters who are stranded somewhere because neighboring countries have closed their borders. A member trying to catch a flight to Switzerland. A […]  read more

Emigrating in times of Corona?


In response to the corona pandemic, numerous countries have taken drastic measures. These are often accompanied by restrictions for foreigners and immigrants. Many Swiss people wishing to emigrate see their emigration plans called into question. Read the whole article in our blog or consult our link list for information regarding the current situation. Stay healthy!  read more

Sehnsucht nach der Heimat? «SRF bi de Lüt – Heimweh» sucht Sie!


Aufruf von «SRF bi de Lüt – Heimweh»: Leben Sie seit Langem im Ausland und möchten nun in Ihre ursprüngliche Heimat die Schweiz zurückkehren? Für die 3. Staffel unserer TV-Doku «SRF bi de Lüt – Heimweh» möchten wir Menschen beim Umzug zurück und beim Neustart in der «alten» Heimat filmisch begleiten. Das Format: Doku-Serie, vier […]  read more

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