
The Soliswiss Year in Numbers


For our annual, brief look over your shoulder, we invite you to join us: We were able to support several members with interest-free loans. Around 2,900 requests came across our desks and through our telephone receivers with questions about AHV, BVG, taxes, insurance, banks, registration and deregistration and much more. More than 50,000 users found […]  read more

What remains of the year


Dear members, friends and interested parties Shortly before the end of the year, we pause and sum up what has particularly stuck with us from our Soliswiss year. Unforgotten for all of us, the memory of our colleague Beat, who passed away in February. What also remains is the never-ending and constantly changing situation around […]  read more

Wanted for a project


Swiss radio and television SRF DOK is looking for people who have emigrated and are currently in the process of building/converting a property. Would you like to be accompanied during your project? Approximately 8-10 filming days are planned. Where and when these take place will be decided from project to project. Filming can start immediately, […]  read more

Flexible, international health insurance for Soliswiss members


We have good news for you. As a cooperative, we continuously aim at providing our members with access to good insurance solutions. We were able to conclude a new cooperation in the field of health insurance in order to facilitate access to a flexible international health insurance solution, exclusively for Soliswiss members. Mondo Protect VIP […]  read more

Soliswiss-Webinar vom 23. November 2021 – fully booked


“Gut geschützt unterwegs – Krankenversicherung für Auswanderer oder Reisende” Sie sind bereits ausgewandert oder schmieden Pläne und wissen nicht, wie Sie sich krankenversichern sollen? Dürfen oder müssen Sie sich vielleicht sogar weiterhin in der Schweiz versichern? Wann macht eine Internationale Krankenversicherung Sinn?  Wie sind Sie auf Reisen, ob als Globetrotter/in od  read more

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